





  • 身体上的?
  • 在情感上?
  • Now, ask yourself this question:  on what other occasions have I felt this way?  Have I experienced similar feelings while on a date; riding on a roller-coaster; flying in an airplane?  Did I feel much the same way when I was playing in the “big game” or performing a musical solo?  In these cases, the feelings that you experience are often termed “butterflies” or “pre-game jitters.”
  • The point is this—the feelings that arise in the settings just mentioned are the very same feelings that create speech anxiety.  那么,你的焦虑有没有可能真的帮助你?  尽一切办法!  The anxiety one feels before an event such as a musical solo or a speech provides one with the energy and the incentive to prepare that leads to success—if you allow it.  也就是说, with the proper techniques the anxiety and stress felt before a speech can be managed or reduced.  Indeed, with patience and the proper attitude, these feelings may prove to be a catalyst to success!


  • 公众演讲, 或者在别人面前说话, 一直被认为是个人最害怕的事情之一.  Indeed, many people place public speaking ahead of death itself in their relative ranking of fears.  这不足为奇, 然后, that a significant number of people tend to avoid situations where they are expected to speak, 沟通, 或者在别人面前表演.  更多的人, 虽然不回避公开演讲的场合, nevertheless experience a degree of anxiety and stress which prevents them from communicating as effectively as they would have liked.  学生, 例如, 可能会挣扎, 或者完全避免, a required public speaking course; job candidates consumed with anxiety may sell themselves short or project an inferior image of themselves during an interview in front of potential employers; individuals may choose a job or career of limited potential; business professionals or workers may be passed up for, 或者干脆拒绝, 升职是因为他们害怕在别人面前讲话.  显然,言语焦虑在许多人的生活中都是一个真正的问题.
  • 简而言之?  焦虑本身就是人类状态的一部分.  广泛的定义, anxiety is a multi-system response to a perceived threat or danger that reflects a combination of biochemical changes in the body, 个人的历史和记忆, 和社会[或交流]情况(弗雷), 1999).

好消息是?  言语恐惧是正常的!

  • 五分之一的人有高度的沟通障碍.  Individuals consistently rank public speaking among their worst fears—more fear-provoking than snakes, 蜘蛛, 甚至死亡.  最重要的是,言语焦虑是正常的.

更多好消息?  言语恐惧是可以减少和控制的!

  • 言语焦虑表现为生理和心理两方面的症状.  The first step is to begin to understand how YOU uniquely experience the physical and psychological symptoms of speech anxiety.  Some people tremble or shake and sweat profusely—their hands especially begin to feel moist.  Other people notice that their heart rate begins to quicken and their mouths become parched.  大多数人发现他们的思想开始“赛跑”,, 他们的思想变得混乱, and they have great difficulty putting their thoughts into any coherent order.  再一次。, these reactions are the bodies’ quite natural response to the stressor of standing exposed in front of an audience.  Remember that you are experiencing the famous biologically programmed “fight or flight” response of your pre-historic ancestors—the very same response felt by our ancestors when suddenly confronting a saber-toothed tiger (though I’m sure some would rather face the tiger than the audience)!  然而, 如果你能确定你是如何经历语言焦虑的, you might 然后 better control the symptoms and ultimately become a more competent public speaker.  下面的建议可以帮助你.


  • 提前准备.
  • 意识到它的存在.  你害怕什么??  列出你的恐惧.   现在看看什么是现实的,什么是不现实的?  难道所有的观众真的会开始指着你、嘲笑你吗?  可能不是.  你能把牌放下吗.  你会怎么做??  把它们捡起来怎么样?  你可以计划如何应对现实的恐惧.
  • 练习呼吸和放松.  大多数恐惧都可以通过有意识地放慢呼吸来减轻. 用隔膜呼吸.  记住怎么做的一个方法是:大肚子吸气,大肚子吸气. 计划和练习你的呼吸.  尝试想象练习.
  • Don’t clench your fists or lock your knees…boy that will bottle the stress right in!


  • 实践!
  • 使用视觉辅助工具——ppt、海报、实物、视频等. help you remember segments of your speech and help you to move to that area physically and mentally.  使用熟悉的物品,让你感觉良好.  确保你用它们练习,并花时间准备它们.  A poorly designed and sloppy visual aid will increase your anxiety, not reduce it.
  • Have a “gimmick” for each part of your speech…role-plays, skits, poems, music, etc. 这有助于你期待演讲的不同领域.
  • 那观众参与呢,闭上眼睛,想象一下……
  • 你会使用“帮手”吗?然而,帮助者可能会非常紧张,造成弊大于利.
  • 运动有助于呼吸! 计划并练习你的动作.  The most logical times to move would be during the transitions of your speech.
  • 得到支持!  Talk to your teacher, a friend, another student in the class, a counselor, etc.
  • 有现实的目标! Some folks do not completely eliminate speech anxiety, but instead learn to reduce it or manage it. Set goals and make specific plans for each section of your speech…For example, 知道你在介绍中应该做什么, 然后也许可以计划走到一个视觉辅助来帮助你呼吸!
  • 积极思考! Don’t engage in self-sabotage…some people will get “stuck” during the brainstorming process of finding a topic because nothing seems interesting enough to talk about.  我们没有那么挑剔!  试着找一个你觉得舒服的话题, 但是记住,任何话题都有好坏之分, 这是你如何发展和使用这个话题!
  • 了解你的主题.
  • 了解你的受众.
  • 了解自己.
  • 熟悉你的演讲.
  • 关注你的信息,而不是你自己.
  • 认识到你的价值和独特性.
  • “永远不要让他们看到你流汗!”
  • 平静地走. 不要跑上跑下.
  • 等一下,准备好了再开始.  花几分钟把你的笔记看一遍, 对自己说第一句话, 深呼吸, 然后开始!
  • 不要在你完成之前就“打包走人”.
  • 寻找友好的人.  你能带个朋友一起来吗?
  • 用停顿来休息,用动作(走到你的视觉辅助工具前).
  • 练习“概念而不是语言”.”
  • 不要记住!  尝试即兴风格.  这意味着, 将你的脚本简化为一个关键词大纲, 不断练习减音符,将音符减到关键词.  最终你可能甚至不需要笔记.
  • 锻炼.  演讲前试着走走.  More strenuous exercise should take place much earlier in the day, not just before your speech.  伸展全身的肌肉.  尝试等长运动(拉紧肌肉群,保持,放松).  做一个“狮子脸”和“老鼠脸”来放松你的面部肌肉.  握拳,握紧,松开.  试着转肩/提肩.
  • You might warm up your voice:  “my mama makes me eat my m and m’s” …you could even sing this up and down the music scale if you are brave or alone in your car!
  • Avoid chocolate, milk and other substances that will cause your mucus to form…yuck!  水总是好的.  不要太多,你可能需要用一下洗手间……说得够多了.
  • 咖啡因不好.  再说一遍,说得够多了……
  • 有些人说:“假装直到你成功。.  为什么不假装你不害怕呢?  “表现得好像……”是一些人使用的另一个陈词滥调.  表现得好像你不害怕.
  • 为成功而着装.  Wear your favorite outfit (it must be appropriate though…no belly shirts, etc.).
  • 穿舒适的衣服和鞋子. AND don’t take your shoes off while speaking…sure, it sounds like common sense, but many people do!
  • 观察你的同学并学习.  不要拿自己和他们比较,不要“贬低自己”.“在生活中,似乎总有一个人是你想成为的样子。, 但也有人说过同样的话希望他们能像你一样!
  • 记住,这只是一次演讲!  真的,这只是一场演讲.  作为一个演讲者,你在这个角色之外是一个完整的人. 你有朋友和家人,或者至少有一只爱你的狗!  我们中有太多的人根据过于狭隘的角色来评判自己.
  • 你能在提纲、视觉辅助等方面多下功夫吗. 帮助提升你的成就感?
  • 在你演讲的最后, look out to the audience and nod your head…just like the gymnast who places her or his hands triumphantly up in the air whether the performance was good or bad!
  • 试试“停止和冷静技巧”.”
  • For those of you who “Stop and Calm” does not work, remember there is a role for professional help.  你可以使用所谓的“系统脱敏”.寻求帮助!  还有希望!



  • 记住,所有的学生都经历过焦虑.
  • 尽量不要把注意力集中在你的“口音”上,而是集中在信息上.
  • 记住,你不需要谈论你的文化、国家等. 除非你愿意!  一些学生几乎感到有压力.
  • Be aware of your time limit and practice so your speech is “just right” concerning time.
  • 使用视觉辅助工具.  ESL学生发现这一点特别有用!
  • PowerPoint or a Poster can help the audience “see the words” you might be afraid of pronouncing!  此外,你可能会发现观众的注意力已经离开了你!
  • 把单词按读音写出来。.
  • 哪个更好,用母语写作还是. 英语?  两种方法都试一试,找出最适合自己的方法.
  • 用两种语言讲话. 然后,最后,用英语多说一遍.  这样做的目的是记住你演讲的“概念”和“顺序”.